Our HPE Certification courses are designed to be significantly more interactive than the standard as we believe this is the best way to learn, and results in an exceptionally high first-time pass rate.
The training is much more than just a trainer presentation followed by self-paced labs, instead we have a learning platform used for frequent exercises and hands-on work throughout.

When you sign up, you can select your preferred dates – all guaranteed to run – and you can change these without any penalty. You will have on-going access to the platform so that you can practice as much as you like before taking the exam. You can also attend our exam prep days whenever you like – for up to 6 months – to suit your own needs.

So take the first step to gain your certification by signing up today!

“Very knowledgeable and engaging – thank you!”

Exceptional first time exam pass rate

Continued access for 6 months

Interactive activities and exercises